Bungee Kyusu is a member of the Slippery Clan and makes its first appearance in episode 123 of the anime. Bungee Kyusu is a teapot shaped yokai with a bungee cord attached to its legs. The name 「バンジーきゅうす」’Bungee Kyusu‘ is a play on「バンジー」’bungee‘ &「きゅうす」’kyusu‘ which means ‘teapot’. 「万事休す」which sounds the same can be roughly translated as ‘the end of the line.’ Being possessed by this yokai puts the individual in precarious situations.
絶体絶命なピンチに追い詰めてしまう バンジーきゅうす 妖怪ウォッチ3アイロンビーズの図案